8th Anniversary Gift Ideas
Traditionally, couples give gifts of bronze or pottery to celebrate their 8th wedding anniversary. Bronze is created by combining two different metals, copper and tin, to make something strong and beautiful, just like a marriage brings two people together into something more. Pottery symbolizes how your relationship grows and changes into something even more amazing with each year, the way that a lump of clay is shaped by an artist. Modern gift choices for your 8th anniversary include appliances and linens. You could shop together for household items or buy lace and tourmaline jewelry to surprise your spouse. This year, give your spouse a gift that is as unique as your love.
Traditional Theme:
Bronze, Pottery
Modern Theme:
Appliances, Linens, Lace
Tourmaline or tanzanite
Tourmaline, tanzanite, or bronze
Traditional Gift Ideas:
Bronze sculpture
Bronze Beverage Tub
Bronze Flowers
Modertn Gift Ideas:
Bed sheets
Genuine Pink Tourmaline ring
Gold, Pearl and Diamond pendant
Eight Anniversary Gift Ideas
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