If you are looking for inspiration for your wedding anniversary gift for this year, then travel can be a great theme. Whether you use this literally and plan a trip, or buy something that is inspired by trips you have already taken together, travel can be a fitting gift theme because marriage is all about having adventures together and being on a journey!
Here are some great ideas for travel inspired anniversary gifts for your husband or wife:
Relive Your Honeymoon
One of the most special and romantic times in a person’s married life is going on their honeymoon. Whether you went to an exotic place on what you thought would be a once in a lifetime trip, or went somewhere closer to home, the times you spent together were probably among the happiest you have ever had together. Why not go back to the place you visited on honeymoon, and have a whole new adventure revisiting places to see how they have changed, taking new versions of your honeymoon photos with you as you are now to display in frames at home, and bringing back those wonderful memories? This is an idea that is special even if it has only been a year since your honeymoon, but for couples who have been together a long time and are having landmark anniversaries, it can be especially incredible.
If this is not possible, perhaps due to budget, commitments, or maybe even because you didn’t get to have a honeymoon when you married, even just taking a trip to where you were married and walking around remembering the day can be a lovely way to spend your anniversary.
Try Something New
Is there an activity your partner has always wanted to try but never had the opportunity? Whether it is a sport like scuba diving or skiing, or an experience like visiting the Grand Canyon or seeing the Northern Lights, giving them a chance to go on a trip to do the thing they have always dreamed of can be an amazing travel gift. Make sure you also kit them out with things to make the experience even better, like a good bag for their camera.
Mementos of Special Shared Trips
If actual traveling isn’t an option for this year’s anniversary, why not buy your spouse something that will remind them of a place you have visited together? Whether it is a nice piece for the home inspired by an iconic landmark you saw together like the Eiffel Tower, or some food or drink that will remind them of the cuisine in a place you went to like this gift basket of Italian delicacies, sharing those memories together again is sure to delight them.
If you are a couple who have traveled a lot together or would like to travel more in the future, this can be an excellent starting point for coming up with the ideal wedding anniversary gift to give your wife or husband this year!