Traditionally, gifts made of wood were presented to couples celebrating their 5 year wedding anniversary in order to signify the strength and solidification of their marriage. If you are soon to be celebrating your 5th anniversary, there is a huge assortment of wooden gifts to choose from for your partner from trinket boxes to decorative accessories and even furniture. Or, if you prefer modern anniversary gift ideas, silverware is the gift of choice for celebrating a fifth year of married life. We’ve listed some great gift ideas for a 5th wedding anniversary.
Plant a Tree
If you and your significant other enjoy nature and are concerned about the welfare of our planet, planting a tree can be a perfect way to celebrate five years of married life together. You can find many tree planting gift packages available online, or if you have the space at home, why not plant your own together right there for you to enjoy?
Picnic Baskets

Wood is coming back around as a popular type of home décor material, so if you’re celebrating your fifth anniversary and want to get a traditional gift for your spouse, there’s never been a better time than now. Picnic Baskets can be easily found today and come in a wide variety of styles and designs to suit all tastes and preferences. Or, some great wooden gift ideas can be both ornamental and useful, for example a wooden chess set.
If your spouse is a bookworm who’s always got their nose in the latest novels or biographies, bookends are a truly thoughtful gift which shows that you thoroughly support their latest hobby. Bookends are usually made from wood, making them a perfect fit for a traditional fifth anniversary gift idea. And, since you can find them today in a huge variety of designs, you’re sure to find some that your husband or wife will adore.
Silver Jewelry
Five years is quite a special amount of time to have been married for, so many husbands enjoy surprising their wife with something sparkly on the morning of their fifth anniversary. With silverware being the modern gift for this occasion, a silver necklace, bracelet, or even an eternity ring can be a lovely gift idea that’s guaranteed to make her smile.
Photo Frame

If you’d like to go along with the modern theme of silverware for your fifth anniversary gift but don’t have the budget to get silver jewelry for your wife or husband, a silver photo frame with a photo of the two of you in it can be a lovely gift idea that your spouse is sure to appreciate. Perhaps it could be a photo of you both on your wedding day, or maybe even a family photo with your children, too.
Celebrating five years of marriage is a special time for any couple. Whether you’re more traditional or modern, we have all the anniversary gift ideas that you need to celebrate your fifth wedding anniversary in romance and style.