When your anniversary is coming up, you know it is important to find the perfect gift for your wife – one that shows how much you love and appreciate her, but is also something she’s going to really want.
While traditional gifts like jewelry and flowers are always nice, if you want something more personal that will make her feel like you really understand her taste and interests then it can be better to think about non traditional gifts and get her something she would love at any time of year! After all, you can always couple it with a sentimental card and a special meal if you don’t feel like a non-traditional gift is romantic enough!
Here are some good ideas for non traditional anniversary gifts that may just be ideal for the women you love:
Musical Instruments
A lot of people wish they had, at some point, had a chance to play the guitar, piano, or some other instrument. If your wife has ever mentioned while listening to her favorite music or watching a band live, that she’d love to be able to play drums, saxophone, violin or keyboards, why not give her the chance by buying her her own instrument? You can get great starter sets for things like the guitar, and you can normally find some beginner lessons online to help get her started, or book her some classes with a proper teacher. If you already play something yourself, you could also have a great time jamming together!
A Tablet
If your wife doesn’t already have a tablet, or hers is a bit old and could do with an upgrade, then this can make for a great tech gift that will give her lots of options to keep herself amused on the go. Make sure you get one that has a SIM so she can access the web on it when she’s not at home, and she’ll be able to browse comfortably wherever she is, as well as read books, watch shows, and communicate with all the people she loves on a far more comfortable device than her phone. If she’s already an Android user, this great Samsung tablet will be really easy for her to get into using and can connect to the Google account she uses on her phone to make setting up her email and other accounts simple.
Headphones or Speakers
If she already has great tech devices she uses for all her media, then some high end headphones or a good Bluetooth speaker could make for an ideal gift, letting her enjoy her music or TV with richer sound. You can also, of course, consider these as an accessory if you are going to buy her a new phone or tablet but want to make it an even better gift.
Sometimes, it is best to match the gift to the woman rather than look for traditional anniversary options, so try and find something your wife will both love, and make good use of.
since i’m not having a rehaasrl dinner me and my girls are just going out to eat and stuff and that’s when i’m going to give them their gifts like after we order our food i’ll say a short nice speech and give them their gifts